Welcome CR191 students, our aim is to inspire you to want to utilise Technology in the Classroom!

Blogging provides a communication space that teachers can utilize with students whenever there is a curriculum need to develop writing, share ideas and reflect on work being undertaken in the classroom.

Price's Angels

Price's Angels

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Blogging introduction

Through the use of blogs, the interaction between teacher and student has transformed from a
traditional classroom environment to a web based learning environment. Students who have
access to the internet become their own author, thereby stimulating their writing abilities and
interest. Classroom blogs can vary depending upon the teacher and the class. Some blogs are
more informative than educational whereby parents can view their children’s work and get
relevant information about upcoming events and alike, as the teacher makes regular posts.
Whereas other blogs are purely educational, where the students have the ability to read, write
and then post their comments and thoughts as well as communicated with students from all
over the world whether it is local, national or international.

Blogging.. how is it being utilised nationally and internationally?

Blogging within QLD

* Currently the choice to take part in Blogging is solely the teachers
* Provides communication between parents and teachers
* Engaging students and teachers creativity
* Remote areas within Nth QLD now have access to lesson plans being
   carried out within city schools
* School of the Air utilises blogging within there Curriculum

Blogging Nationally (Please refer to link)

* The WA Blog was designed by the teacher and targeted to her year 2 class.
* The teacher’s aim was to encourage her students socially as well as
* The teacher controlled the account therefore solving any security breaches,
   although the teacher would allow students to record and post messages
   under her supervision.
*This particular blog site was structured to allow students to practice their
  handwriting and typing skills. This included math’s and literacy games.
*Artwork was also displayed and the overall effect of the page is bright and
  colourful, very eye catching.

Internationally Blogging has become a well used resource!

*America has led the way in recent years by effectively utilising blogging
  in the classroom
*You Tube and Edublogs is a fantastic resource to discover and learn of
  different approached taken by teachers
*Money and Resources can prove to be a constraint on the ability to
  fund technology in the classroom, though as we reach the digital age,
  technology in the classroom is becoming somewhat imperative.

Monday 26 September 2011